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"Mayor" Lindsey of St. Isaac Jogues Parish
The role of Mayor of Toronto holds a certain amount of prestige and recognition. However, in a lesser-known role is Lindsey, who holds the title of "Mayor" of St. Isaac Jogues Parish in Pickering. This is a unique position...
Family Spotlight: The Postill Family
The Postills live in the Leaside neighbourhood in Toronto. David (dad) is a VP of Marketing; Shannon (mom) is an executive in a global consulting firm. They have three children ages 18, 16 and 13 (Gemma, Anna, Jacob) and often...
Walking Forward Together: Catholic Education Week 2017
April 30 to May 5 is Catholic Education Week in Ontario. This year's theme is "Walking Forward Together."
In the Archdiocese of Toronto, we are grateful for the partnership and collaboration we have with Catholic schools, which are an...
A Little Less Canada
This post originally appeared on the website of the University of St. Michael's College on March 27, 2017.
Given the political turmoil and ugly nativist sentiment roiling the politics of so many countries, it is hard not to think...
"Ashes to Palms" Lenten Video Series
Ashes to Palms is a video series freely distributed to Catholics around the world during the season of Lent. This Lent, it will be seen on various social media, Catholic television and internet channels, as well as on
World Day of Prayer for Consecrated
In the Archdiocese of Toronto, we are blessed to have more than 900 religious men and women serving in our midst, representing about 120 religious congregations. They each make significant contributions to our community in parish ministry, education, healthcare, outreach...
Teams of Our Lady: Enriching Marriage Spirituality
Teams of Our Lady is an international Catholic movement to enrich marriage spirituality. The aim of the movement is to help couples live out a married spirituality and to discover the full richness of the sacrament of marriage. Below, Jodi...
Away in a Manger: Christmas Story Told by Children
Away in a Manger
The Good Shepherd Catechesis is an approach to the religious formation/development of children from birth through adolescence that was established in the Archdiocese of Toronto more than twenty-five years ago. The Good...
First Pastoral Letter to Archdiocese of Toronto, 1842
Below is the text of the first pastoral letter written in 1842 to the faithful of the newly established Diocese of Toronto from its first bishop, Michael Power. The Archdiocese of Toronto kicks off its 175th anniversary year on December...
Come to Christ this Advent
Advent marks the beginning of the liturgical year. While it expresses the deep longing of all humanity for God, it celebrates the three-fold coming of the Lord: remembering the events that surrounded the Lord’s coming long ago...
St. Michael's Cathedral: Visible Sign of the Faith
"…the Cathedral Church belongs properly to no particular parish, but that it is the Mother Church of the whole Diocese, such a temple should be built in a manner and style suitable to the Greatness and Majesty of Our...
World Youth Day's Local Impact
"When Jesus touches a young person's heart, he or she becomes capable of truly great things."
These words of Pope Francis at the welcome ceremony of World Youth Day in Krakow on July 28, 2016 are evident locally. The...
Childlike Faith: Totus Tuus Week 1
Totus Tuus is a multi-tiered program for Catholic youth in the Archdiocese of Toronto. The program offers a one-week summer camp to parishes looking for youth programming during the summer. It also offers a three-month missionary program...
World Refugee Day
Monday, June 20 is World Refugee Day. As the Office for Refugees, Archdiocese of Toronto continues its important work of resettling those seeking to escape war and persecution, we invite you to pray for all those involved in resettlement efforts...
Nine Men Ordained to the Permanent Diaconate
On Saturday, May 28 at 10 a.m., nine men will be ordained permanent deacons for the Archdiocese of Toronto. Their ministry begins in Toronto’s St. Paul’s Basilica, but will extend far beyond church walls.
Gates of Mercy: Holy Doors in the Archdiocese of Toronto
Indulgences, Holy Doors and jubilees: these are among the Catholic traditions we sometimes dismiss as quirky vestiges of outdated piety, unworthy of much attention. Didn't the Church abandon indulgences? Isn't it superstitious to believe one could receive graces...
Update on St. Michael’s Cathedral Restoration
"How do you eat an elephant?" goes the old adage.
"One bite at a time."
According to the head architect of the St. Michael's Cathedral restoration project, this expresses how they've tackled a seemingly insurmountable task of restoring...
Autism Awareness Month: Animating Hope
The following reflection is by Joseph Trozzo, parishioner at St. Padre Pio Parish in Kleinburg. In 2014, he and his wife Nancy attended the 29th Pontifical Council for Health Care Workers on the theme, "The Person with Autism Spectrum Disorders...
Fasting for Fasting's Sake
There’s fasting and then there’s fasting! If fasting is going to be effective (and we should want to fast effectively) then we have to be motivated in the right way and know why we fast; we...