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December 16, 2024 - FNE Explorers Senior home visit photos/videos

已发布 : Dec-29-2024

FNE Explorers Senior home graphic

Within our St. Thomas the Apostle Parish-based FNE Explorer groups, we are committed to and desire to visit the afflicted, comfort the needy and elderly, and bring the light of Jesus to others. In December, we visited a nearby seniors home to sing Christmas songs and meet the seniors in person. The seniors enjoyed the signing and the Timberwolves' joy, but most of all, as illustrated in these photos, they enjoyed our one-on-one greetings.

At St. Thomas the Apostle parish, we offer our Timberwolf program on Wednesday evenings for boys ages 7 1/2 to 12 and on Friday evenings for boys ages 12 to 16. To learn more, please contact FNE at or call the group leader, Paul Ritchi, at 416-435-6593.

Video credits: Paul Ritchi
Photo credits: Paul Ritchi