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Sanctuary Renovation YouTube Video/Photos

已发布 : Apr-04-2024

sanctuary final 2024

Special thanks to the Sisters of the Daughters of St. Mary of Leuca for their beautiful decorating of our church sanctuary.

The renovation of the santuary started on March 14, 2023 and was completed on March 21, 2024.

The company that did the sanctuary renovation is FPDR (Fine Painting Design Restoration). Here is their website:

Here's a fairly complete List of the sanctuary renovations done in the last year-plus:

  • The "risen Christ" statue that originally was behind the altar wall was moved to the vestibule in the front entrance to the church.
  • The statue of St. Thomas (as well as the light above it) was moved from the area above the organ to just to the left of the sanctuary.
  • The baptismal font was moved from the left to the right side of the sanctuary. It was renovated with white and brown marbled tiles and faux pillar supports.
  • The red sanctuary carpeting was replaced with white and brown marbled tiles.
  • The pulpit (left side of sanctuary) was renovated with white and brown marbled tiles. A light was added near the microphone for easier viewing for lectors/deacons/priests.
  • A new ambo was added to the right side of the sanctuary. A light was added near the microphone for easier viewing for lectors/deacons/priests.
  • A new altar was constructed and was covered in white and marbled tiles and faux pillar supports.
  • A new credence table (for water/wine/etc used at Mass) was added on the left side of the sanctuary.
  • A new sanctuary lamp was added (to replace the old one on the wall on the right side of the sanctuary). It is suspended above the altar and can be easily lowered down to facilitate the changing of the sanctuary candle.
  • New communion kneelers were placed in the sanctuary.
  • A new presider's chair and two other new chairs were added to the right side of the sanctuary.
  • A new sanctuary altar was constructed just behind the altar.
  • The tabernacle was moved from the right of the sanctuary to on top of the new sanctuary altar.
  • A new large crucifix was placed just above the (moved) tabernacle behind the altar.
  • A new santuary backdrop tower wall was constructed over the old wall. The new wall contains a God the Father mural, two large pillars, detailed stenciling on the left and right sides, stenciling under the arch area just above the crucifix, and a "Dominus Meus Et Deus Meus" ("My Lord And My God") banner just above the crucifix.
  • A Holy Spirit mural (represented by a dove) was added to the ceiling area above the tabernacle/sanctuary.
  • Additionally, the walls of the church were refreshed with new coats of matching paint.

Link to the complete Daily Sanctuary Renovation Photos:

Link to Google Photos album of St. Thomas the Apostle Sanctuary Renovation Photos (March 30, 2024)

Link to YouTube video:

Link to Facebook album: